The Definitive Business Plan
The Definitive Business Plan
The Definitive Business Plan
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Planning Services

Richard Stutely holds seminars and workshops, and offers unique planning services: Plan Development and Plan Assessment.

He and his team can also help you prepare other documentation including quality systems, operating manuals and contingency plans (see Fifteen Key Manuals). In some instances we have off-the-shelf versions that you can use – or which will get you started on your own tailor made versions.

Seminars, Workshops, Lectures, etc

Richard will be happy to design and conduct a training session, plan-development-and-review session, seminar, lecture or other workshop for corporate audiences or students. Let us know what interests you, and Richard will write back to you.

Plan Development

The best person to write your business plan is you. However, this is not always possible. Maybe you are just too busy. Perhaps you do not enjoy trying to express yourself in writing. Or maybe you want a second opinion from professional planners.

We offer a very unique planning service. We have a network of associates who can help you develop a plan. They are internationally acclaimed experts and leaders in their fields – fields which include business strategy and planning, economics, finance, and technology.

We do not work in the same way as traditional consultants. If we accept an assignment, we will act as your partners – often establishing a mutually-beneficial business relationship that will last for years.

For more information, please complete our online inquiry form for a no-obligation exchange of email.

Plan Assessment

If you are reviewing a business plan, maybe you want a professional opinion. Our experts will analyze a plan for you, highlighting strengths and weaknesses, telling you what questions to ask, helping you through due diligence. We will help you decide whether to approve its funding and/or implementation. Everyone, from Angels investing their savings in new ventures through to seasoned investors and company directors gets value from this service.

For more information, please complete our online inquiry form for a no-obligation exchange of email.

Other Business Services

We also have a team of experts who can help you develop your business plan into a living, working document. We will go much further than simple documentation – we can offer a complete range of advisory and participatory services that will help achieve the success you deserve.

For more information, please complete our online inquiry form for a no-obligation exchange of email.

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