The Definitive Business Plan
The Definitive Business Plan
The Definitive Business Plan
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Other Books by Richard Stutely

The Definitive Guide to Business Finance – what smart managers do with the numbers
Financial Times Prentice Hall
400 pages. 2007. This truly international book explains how you can be on top of business finance. Written in a lively style, assuming no prior knowledge but never talking down to you, it explains financials for the non-financial managers; numbers for the non-statistician. The overall aim is to help you manage better. The book will also enable you to stand up to your finance people and understand the gobbledygook that they talk. It will boost your awareness of global trends in financial matters and trends which impact on your job. And it will contribute to your personal advancement and success in investment. More... (More at

The Economist Guide to Economic Indicators – Making Sense of Economics
The Economist Books: Profile Books, Bloomberg Press
250 pages. First published in 1992. Now in 5th edition. Published in the US as The Economist Guide to Global Economic Indicators; translated into several languages including Simplified Chinese. Provides a guide to interpreting 100 key economic indicators world wide, with special attention to the major economies accounting for 60% of world output. Figures covering 30 years of economic cycles. (More info at

The Economist Numbers Guide – The Essentials of Business Numeracy
The Economist Books: Profile Books, Bloomberg Press
237 pages. Fifth edition was published in March 2003. Published in the US as The Economist Guide to Business Numeracy; translated into Spanish, French, Danish, Norwegian, Simplified Chinese and other languages. Covers quantitative methods for business decision making. Topics include analyzing and presenting data, finance and investment, forecasting, sampling and hypothesis testing, decision-making, game strategy, queuing, stock control, Markov chains, project management, simulation, mathematical programming, optimization, networking, etc. (More at

Advanced Desktop Publishing
Ellis Horwood/John Wiley
264 pages. First published in 1988. Techniques for written presentation.

The Economist Desk Companion
The Economist Books
First published in 1992. Contributed sections on investment, finance, economics, mathematics and statistical methods.

Business Comparisons: An Analytical and Statistical Survey of Europe and the USA.
The Economist Intelligence Unit
First published in 1991. Consultant editor and contributor

Vital Word Statistics.
The Economist Books
First published in 1990. Contributed large sections covering economic and sociological data on all of the world’s countries, offering a comparison in terms of wealth, debt, industrial growth, and other issues.

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